Sunday School Information
Written by Christ Lutheran Church | July 28, 2023 | Children's EducationLatest News
2023-2024 Sunday School Registration is open!
The start of the Sunday School year is just around the corner! Below are some important details.
Sunday, September 10th 9:00AM church service is a special interactive children’s service. Then, after the service we’re having a Sunday School registration meet and greet. We won’t be holding class that day but encourage you and your kids to come up to the classroom area after church, say hi, get some fun stuff, and learn about what’s coming up in the school year.
Click on this link for the registration form Sunday School Registration Form 2023-24 which you can fill out and bring registration day. We’ll also have forms available there. If you’re unable to join us on registration day, you can return the form by mail or drop it off at church at the front office or in the offering plate.
Sunday school classes begin Sunday, September 17. Sunday school takes place from 9:15-10:15 AM, between services. We’ll be sending out a week-by-week schedule soon.
Teachers and classroom helpers needed! We’re short-handed this year with Tawni Stenberg’s departure. Parents, please consider volunteering. We can be flexible with schedules! If you have a high school student, we could use their help—it could count towards their National Honor Society volunteer hours.
Please mark your calendars for December 17, which will be our Children’s Christmas program during the one Sunday service. The Sunday School kids will be performing in the program.
Questions? Please let us know!
Kristy Bergeron ( | Michelle Gest (